Monday, March 30, 2015

5 ngày đầu tiên khi chính thức bước vào công việc Truyền giáo trọn thời gian

Đây là những điều mà chị cả Nguyễn đã chia sẻ với gia đình trong những ngày đầu đi phục vụ Truyền giáo. Và chị cả Nguyễn cũng có ước muốn chia sẻ điều này với các anh chị em bởi vì công việc ý nghĩa này mang một ảnh hưởng quá đỗi lớn lao và tuyệt vời trong cuộc sống của chị ấy và cuộc sống của những người xung quanh. Chị ấy thấy được bàn tay của Thượng Đế trong mọi việc.

''Chi da chinh thuc buoc vao cong viec truyen giao duoc 5 ngay roi. Oi! Khong biet phai dien ta nhu the nao cam giac cua chi bay gio. Vui buon lan lon.
Chi di ra ngoai va noi chuyen voi TAT CA MOI NGUOI ma chi gap tren duong va neu co co hoi, se giang day ngay bai hoc so 1 cho ho. Tieng Anh o day co khi chi hieu, co khi chi khong hieu gi het. Chi va ban dong hanh co tim kiem duoc mot so nguoi tam dao va chi phai co gang that nhieu de co the giang day ho bang Tieng Anh.
That su, cong viec nay doi hoi Duc tin, su kien nhan, su khiem nhuong va tinh yeu thuong, doi hoi su chuan bi thuoc linh va the chat. Dieu chi lam bay gio la quen di ban than cua minh de lam viec va phuc vu Thuong De het tat ca nang luc va tam long cua chi.

Chi can 6 tuan de thich nghi voi moi thu o day, bay gio chi moi gan 1 tuan thoi...Khong sao, chi se lam duoc ma vi day khong phai la cong viec cua chi, day la cong viec Thuong De, chi la cong cu va ban tay cua Ngai.

Ban dong hanh moi cua chi la chi ca Orchard ,chi ay la nguoi Anh. Chi ay se huan luyen chi. Chi phuc vu o Staines Ward. District cua chi co 4 anh ca va 2 chi.
Ban dong hanh cua chi noi rang chi se nhin thay phep la moi ngay khi chi lam cong viec truyen giao nhung chi khong tin, nhung that su la chi nhin thay phep la moi ngay. Khi chi lam tat ca moi thu co the voi het kha nang cua minh, chi noi chuyen voi bat ky mot ai chi gap tren duong va lang nghe ho bang tam long. Chi tim kiem duoc 2 nguoi tin huu kem tich cuc, chi gap nhung nguoi da tung gap nguoi truyen giao hoac co ban be la tin huu... Tat ca bat dau bang viec mim cuoi va chao ho, noi chuyen voi ho chan thanh. Chi tin rang, se co nhung anh chi em cua minh o ngoai kia da duoc Thuong De chuan bi san de gap nhung toi to cua Ngai.

Hom kia, chi va ban dong hanh gap mot nguoi ten Dave, tui chi da bat chuyen voi ong ay, ong noi la ong dang voi cho chuyen xe lua, nhung tui chi van tiep tuc noi chuyen voi ong, ong da dung lai de lang nghe. Mot tin huu trong tieu giao khu da tung la nhan vien cua ong ay va anh ay da chia se nhieu voi ong ve phuc am nhung ong chua bao gio gap nhung nguoi truyen giao. Ong ay hoi rang neu co Thuong De, tai sao dieu xau lai xay ra voi nguoi tot, tai sao Thuong De lai de nhung dieu do xay ra. Day la cau hoi ma chi van dang tiem kiem cau tra loi, chi khong biet chinh xac cau tra loi. Nhung chi da noi voi ong rang cuoc song nay se co rat nhieu kho khan va thu thach, diem thap nhat cua minh ngay hom nay cao hon diem thap nhat cua minh ngay hom qua. Minh khong the thay doi duoc the gian nay, minh khong the thay doi duoc nguoi khac, nguoi ta lam dieu xau xa, ta ac la do nguoi ta da tu lua chon lay, dieu do khong den tu Thuong De. Hay hy vong va tin tuong moi su!
Chi da noi voi ong rang ong co tin Thuong De co mot ke hoach cho ong khong? Chi va ban dong hanh da cau nguyen voi ong ay ngay tren duong, truoc khi tui chi tam biet ong. Ong ay da noi rang ong cam thay binh an..... Do la su lam chung cua Duc Thanh Linh!
‘’Vì Thượng Đế biết rõ ai sẽ là người phù hợp nhất trong thời điểm này để học hỏi lời của Ngài thông qua sự giúp đỡ của chị và bạn đồng hành của chị.’’
Chi cam on em, day la dieu chi can hoc bay gio, doi khi chi cam thay chi khong the lam duoc, chi khong co du kha nang de lam cong viec to lon nay nhung ban dong hanh cua chi da noi rang, khi chi lam theo Thanh Linh, loi noi cua chi tac dong den tam long cua nguoi khac, nghia la chi da lam dung. Ho khong chap nhan phuc am, ho khong lam phep bap tem, khong co nghia la chi da khong co gang het kha nang cua minh. Moi nguoi co mot thoi diem thich hop de ho chap nhan phuc am.

Mot dieu ma chi muon chia se voi gia dinh va voi tat ca moi nguoi rang: Phep la la ket qua tu nhien cua viec ap dung chinh xac cac nguyen tac cua le that.
(Miracles are the natural result of the correct application of true priciples)

Cam on em cho nhung chung ngon cua em, chi biet rang 18 thang se qua rat nhanh, 18 thang de phung su Ngai tron thoi gian, 18 thang de hoc hoi va chuan bi cho suot cuoc song con lai cua chi. Rat ngan! Nghich canh va nhung noi thong kho se qua di, phep la va phuoc lanh se den. Chi se khong nghi ngo va khong so hai.

Thanh thu yeu thich cua chi, John3:16 (ve Chua Gie Su Ky To).''

Saturday, March 28, 2015

From: President & Sister Preston England Missionary Training Centre

      ''Dear Parents,

Your daughter will be departing the England Missionary Training Centre on Wednesday morning, 25th March.  We want you to know how much we have enjoyed having her with us. 

Sister Nguyen is a fine young woman and we are grateful for the opportunity we have had to work with her on a daily basis.  She is well-prepared for her mission and she continues each day to grow spiritually.  She is developing good teaching skills and is excited about the work.  She is ready for full time service in the England London South Mission.

We love this young woman and are grateful to you for all you have done to prepare her for this wonderful time in her life.  Your love and continued support are important to her success.   Letters are always greatly anticipated and appreciated. 

May you and your family be blessed as she continues to serve our Heavenly Father.


President & Sister Preston
England Missionary Training Centre''

Chứng ngôn và những cảm xúc trong những ngày đầu ở MTC và khi đến đền thờ.

Đây là nội dung mà chị cả Nguyễn đã gửi cho gia đình. Chị ấy đã không có đủ thời gian để có thể chia sẻ với mọi người bằng 2 ngôn ngữ. Và đây là những cảm xúc, những kinh nghiệm cùng những chứng ngôn của chị ấy trong những ngày đầu chị ấy ở MTC và khi chị ấy đến đền thờ.

''Chao ca nha,

May tinh o day khong co unikey, chi khong co go dau duoc nen co gang doc nhe! :)
Hom nay, o day la thu tu,18/3/2015, 13:12. Thu tu la Pday o day.
Sang hom nay la mot ngay vo cung tuyet voi cua chi, chi da buoc vao den tho, lam le thien an va cam nhan long nhan tu va quyen nang vi dai cua Thuong De. That khong but nao ta xiet, Duc Thanh Linh da lam chung voi chi rang Day la ngoi nha cua Thuong De, day la dat hua, day la noi ma chung ta coi bo con nguoi thien nhien va buoc den cung Ngai. Tuyet voi lam!
 (1 Nephi 17:43). Chi khong nho ro nhung chi da doc dau do trong chuong nay khi chi ngoi trong den tho.

Trong nhom MTC moi, co chi, 3 chi ca va 1 anh ca nguoi Chau Phi lan dau tien buoc vao den tho. Ho rat la than thien, ho la anh chi em cua minh va mac du co rat nhieu su khac nhau, chi cam nhan duoc tinh yeu thuong, duc tin cua ho.

May ngay moi den day, chi nhuc dau va nho nha lam vi khong co ai o day biet Viet Nam hay noi Tieng Viet. Nhung that su la Thuong De lang nghe loi cau nguyen cua chi, bay gio chi cam thay yeu thich do an o day, yeu thich nhung anh chi ca o day, yeu thich nhung lop hoc va tat ca moi thu. Chi biet la kha nang cua chung ta phi thuong lam, chi can dieu do la ngay chinh va theo y muon cua Thuong De, chung ta se lam duoc. Chi da cam thay rat cang thang vi nhung buoi dau tien huan luyen, chi cam thay minh khong co kien thuc gi nhieu ve phuc am ca, khong co chung ngon cu the, nhung chi da co gang, chi chia se voi ban dong hanh ve cam giac cua chi, chi chia se voi Thuong De, chi tu nhac nho ban than minh phai co gang, neu minh chua co mot chung ngon that su manh me, hay di tim kiem, khong bao gio la qua tre!

Chi biet on vi Ngai da keu goi chi cho cong viec truyen giao, chi lam chung rang day la cong viec vinh hien va tuyet voi nhat tren the gian, em se hoc hoi duoc rat rat rat nhieu dieu ve phuc am, cach thuc de em co the tu tim kiem su cai dao cho chinh minh va giup do nguoi khac den cung Ngai. 

Ban dong hanh cua chi la chi ca Hamann, Uc va chi ca Chirwa, Malawi-Chau Phi. Ho de thuong lam, chi hoc hoi o ho nhieu dieu. Mac du co khi chi cung khong co thoai mai vi nhieu su khac biet nhung chi den day khng phai de tim su thoai mai cho ban than minh, chi den day de tim kiem tinh yeu thuong, chi tim kiem chung ngon va an dien cua Thuong De, chi den day de chuan bi cho ban than minh duc tin, suc manh, long bac ai truoc khi chi chinh thuc buoc vao cong viec truyen giao.

Co mot dieu tuyet voi da xay ra voi chi 2 ngay truoc day, khi chi cam thay rat buon va nho nha. Luc dung doi lay thuc an, mot chi ca nguoi Italia da noi chuyen bang tieng Italia voi nguoi dau bep. Chi da noi voi ban dong hanh la chi uoc gi co ai o day biet Tieng Viet vi hau nhu ai o day cung co it nhat mot nguoi khac tu dat nuoc cua ho.
Sau khi an toi, tat ca nhung nguoi truyen giao tap trung trong phong, chi de cuon so hoach dich (bang tieng viet) tren cai ghe ben canh. Mot anh ca ngoi sau lung chi, nhin cham chu vao cuon so va anh ay noi NO WAY, THIS IS VIETNAMESE. I LIVED THERE OR 5 YEARS.......
OH MY GHOSTTTTTTTTTT! Chi da that su rat la hanh phuc va chi biet la Ngai biet chi dang can dieu gi.
Chi co noi chuyen voi anh ay, anh ay la anh ca SVOBODA, anh ay da song o VN cung voi gia dinh khi 17 tuoi, cach day 3 nam roi. Gia dinh anh ay, co nhieu nguoi o chi nhanh Thao dien se biet den. 
Anh ay da buoc vao cong viec truyen giao o Hy Lap roi, chi khong co co hoi gap anh ay nua. Nhung chi hy vong se gap lai khi ket thuc cong viec truyen giao.  

Chu tich MTC o day la noi voi chi rang, hay dong vien em gai cua con de em ay co uoc muon phuc vu truyen giao va bat dau chuan bi tu ngay hom nay. Hay hoc tap Thuyet giang phuc am cua ta, sach Mac Mon, kinh khanh, giao ly giao uoc, tran chau vo gia. Em hay tim kiem uoc muon va cau van Thuong de voi tat ca manh luc cua long minh em nha!''

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

England, here I come!

9 more hours and then my 18-month adventure begins. There was a "last" beautiful Sabbath day in my branch. I received a lot of hugs and good luck from brothers and sisters. Luckily, I did not cry a lot as I thought.

My sister and I sang a musical hymn in sacrament meeting. "Israel, Israel, God is calling", we practiced 4-5 times with a professional pianist, Duy Tien, returned missionary and awesome guitarist, Elder Tran.
I am grateful for this opportunity, for the invitaion from Taunya that we have chance to serve, to share our testimonies about God through beautiful hymns.
I learnt that we don't have to be perfect to do something. You don't have to make it so special, people can see beautiful moments in your simple acts. I sing not really well but I love it so I did it with all my best.

Tonight, I have a Family Home Evening with my family. We sang a hymn, we prayed, we shared our spiritual thoughts together. I know when I go to serve the Lord, God is with my family, I dont have to worry too much. NO WORRY, BE HAPPY!!!!


Ok, keep up with my blog. My sister, Hang, will help me to update on blog.

Good bye Viet Nam, I mean all people, all things, all places here. Love you a ton!

Monday, March 2, 2015

My purpose as a Missionary

From now, 7 days left..... On 10th March, I will "fly" to Cambodia in the morning. On 11th March, from Cambodia to Manchester, London.
I am really excited, so so excited for the new chapter of my life.
My mission will change the rest of my life because missionary work have been changing many many young men, young women all over the world, all over the time. It doesn't matter where and when we labour this significant work, we will change our own life, change other lives for eternity.

I am grateful for missionaries who have helped my family come closer to the Lord by "receiving the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end". This is the purpose as a Missionary and they've tried their best to fulfill their missions not only in 18-24 months but also for their whole life.

I found an inspired definition about "missionary" on Internet and I love it:

(Pinterest) Thank you, missionaries!
Going on mission is one of the most wonderful decision of my life. It is hard when I know that I would miss my family, friends, the church in my country-Viet Nam. It is hard when I need to set aside my own habits to follow missionary rules. And It is hard to come to a very new country that I have never ever came before. But "Let your faith be bigger than your fear". It is hard but It is possible, I can do it so you can. God loves me, love you, love each of us, Thy will protect us for our righteous choices. 

Before going on mission, be prepared!
1. Pray in every mornings and nights and wherever, whenever you need the guidances or simply you need peace for your soul.
2. Daily studing scriptures. Studying not Reading.
3. Partakinng the sacrament every Sundays
4. Be humble to stay for studying at Sunday school and Relief Society meeting (only women)/ Priesthood  meeting (only men). 
5. Writing down things you need to do. Don't trust 100% to your brain, you will forget if you don't write down. Things I love to do are 
 * sending email to friends who I need to say "thank you" and update how my mission preparation.
 * simple photoshoot before mission.
 * watching and then learning from inspired messages here
 * reading missionary's blog, there are some good tips.
 * creating your own blog, share what you feel, what you do for your mission. It will help people in need.
 *Be happy and Smile often
The time you wait for your mission makes you stressed out sometimes, there are many many things you need to complete and you may not know how to make it done at all. But wait, you are called by the Lord through Thy prophet, nothing can prevent you from this awe-som-est calling. YOU CAN DO IT!
Talking with your bishop, asking the returned missionaries (RM) around you, they are willing to help you out. We are here to help each other growing up, right?!? :)
Don't think that you bother your brothers and sisters, you will not know how meaningful their advices for you are. 

I planned just write email for some of my closet friends and then I felt "why don't I let all of my gmail contacts know about my mission updated?" "why don't I #sharethegoodness as much as I can?"
And I did. I recieved a lot of good wishes, wonderful tips from RM...
Here is one of my favorite advices from another branch president (there are only 2 branches in my city now) He said:

Remember, you are a rescuer, listen to the Holy Ghost and obey exactly. Let
1. Complete your assigned missions
2. Protect your companions
3. Rescure successfully
4. Return with honor...

I recieved the confirmation from the Spirit of God that I chose to do the right.

With Love,

My baptism with my Mama and My little sister (3 on the left side)
2 sister-missionaries (not in white) who brought my family His truth
Every one in this photo were smiling because they are so happy although they did not really pay attention to the camera!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Before Mission-10 days left

In 10 more days, this young girl, I mean, I, yes me, will be a full-time sister missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for 18 months. I was called to serve in England London South Mission with English speaking. Oh my heaven! I am still so surprised.  It will not be easy but it will be the best.
I am preparing to pack, meet some friends, relatives and keep calm!!!!

I can not forget the feelings that I have had from the moment holding the mission call envelope in my hand: happy,nervous, curious,freak out, excited, bored, (while waiting for visa, nothing much to do, no work,.....), challenged, brave, positive, negative,.... I can feel almost the feelings in this world just within 4 months.

On mission call letter, my MTC date was 29th January, before Tet holiday but God knew that I needed a little short time to prepare for my VISA and enjoy one more Tet with family so I stayed.
Talking about UK visa, it is totally different with what I heard about. I was interviewed through an sudden call by the embassy in Ha Noi after exactly 1 week submitting the application.
Especially I had no idea that they would call me, Coming the UK Visa Application Centre, it is not the UK embassy. I just felt...I was so lucky not to be interviewed for visa. Anyway I prayed alot for the guidance from the Holy Ghost, I learnt by heart the MTC/ Mission home address in London incase they might ask. Sound like i was too nervous but practice is necessary.
I was confused some first minutes but the word "BE BOLD" appeared in my mind. I tried to keep clam as quick as possible to answer their questions.
The important thing is let them know about my purpose on my mission and confirm that I surely come back to my country after 18 months.

*Be confident
*Be calm
*Be polite
*Be honest
*Be bold
*Be faithful

I have to say thank all brothers and sisters who pray, encourage and support me whenever I need. They are angels on earth that I am so blessed to know.
While preparing for those visa stuff, branch president, the senior couple missionary, the mission office in cambodia, they helped a lot. I would be lost without them.

OK! Try my best and believe in Heavenly Father's plan for me.

Waiting is hard, sometimes negative thought come into you. Things I did to save myself is praying, reading scriptures, coming to church, sharing those feelings with people I trust, listening their advices, listening to the Holy ghost, listening to my heart, smiling, laughing, singing, travelling. They all work.

Travelling, I challenged myself to travel with no-money-in-my-pocket (no advised). It was an LDSC activity in Lam Dong, 6 and 7th of Febuary. Elder and Sister Hymas invited the members to join with them.
I brought some candy, cracker, water, clothes, medicine, fone, ear-phone, low battery camera and my happiness, that is!
If you want to be happy, you can be happy. It was a good trip to me, everything is interesting.  Elder Hymas shared a short thought: Life is not easy, that is reason why we are here to help, to lift up other's lifes.

The YSAs at Dambti Fall, Lam Dong

Also, I challenged myself to be a baby sitter in 1 day. There are a lot of things in this world to reach out. Taking care of 3 kids is such a great experience before going on mission. And because I have been given much so I have to give others my hands when they are in need. Helping others with love make your life more beautiful.

Adorable kids that I took care for 1 day while their parents out of town (Elliot,Beverly and Ballard)

Now I know why I stay a little bit longer before serving the Lord with all my best. God's plan for each of us make us more happy. I am ready to go

She is Hang. my little sister, it is good to be with her on Lunar new year eve

I love to hear from you, family and friends. Here are some info:

Sister Tam Thanh Thi Nguyen
England London South Mission
The London Temple, West Park Road
Newchapel, Surrey
England RH7 6NB
United Kingdom

Life is an adventure!